
Writing for your blog

A blog is an online journal or article repository that is updated regularly and that focuses quite narrowly on a specific topic. You will learn more about how and why to create a blog in module 7, but here are some pointers on writing great blog content.

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• While you will be writing about topics that you’re an expert on, you should still always think first and foremost about what your customers will be interested in reading, not what you want to tell them. For example, if you’re a tax consultancy, writing a blog post comparing different types of tax software is likely to be more useful than writing about your own services directly. Remember that your blog posts should add value to your readers without asking them to do anything in return. A blog shouldn’t be used to blatantly sell your services, but rather to add value to your target market.
• Focus on a specific topic or angle and stick with it. Since you are writing a corporate blog, position yourself as an expert in your industry and write relevant, up-to-date and informative articles about your field or an aspect within it.
• Although you are writing long copy for your blog, keep the individual articles short. Write short, frequent entries that focus specifically on one idea rather than longer, more detailed ones. Shorter articles are easier to read and reference later on. Also, structure your pieces meticulously by using
subheadings, bullet points and paragraph breaks. On average, your blog posts can be between 300 and 400 words long.
• Blog articles are a great way to improve your website’s ranking through SEO . You will learn how to do this in module 6.
• Personal stories and case studies make for enjoyable reading and are an excellent way to showcase customer experiences with your product. What problem did you solve? How did you improve someone’s life or business?
• Advice articles that your readers can learn from are very popular. Topics such as “5 ways to do…” or “4 reasons why…” are compelling, well structured and provide value to the reader.
• Encourage audience interaction in your blog post. Ask your readers what they think of the topic you’re talking about so that they’re encouraged to leave comments. A blog that has lots of reader interaction is likely to be more interesting to other readers, and also encourages existing readers to return to your blog in future.